July 22, 2013


Happy Monday.

Today I woke up feeling pretty good, which doesn't usually happen on Mondays.
I even did my hair and makeup for the occasion. 
I'm grateful that I'm feeling good today, and I am excited for a fulfilling and productive Monday!

Here's a short update on Haley's Happenings:

Last Thursday, we went and watched Brandon and Ella compete in the City of Mesa swim meet. They both did a great job, and I'm so glad to be their big sister!
I love these goonies.

On Saturday, DJ and I went and helped one of the family's good friends, Dee, and her three daughters into their new house. We were supposed to meet at 10:00 to begin helping, and when DJ woke me up at 9:45 I considered staying in bed for another hour or so and then joining up with the rest of the crew. But then I thought about all of the crap that my family would give me if I did that, and rolled my lazy butt out of bed. 
Nothing quite like the fear of endless grief to motivate a girl.

And now today I am back at work, doing my thing. 
It's a Monday, and it's a good day.

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