August 21, 2013

The Journey is Important.

A great weakness of mine is struggling to enjoy the present.

It's not that I don't appreciate the things that I have and the life that I live. I am very blessed, and I recognize that those blessings come from the Lord.

But I often find myself yearning for the things that the future has in store for me. I know that there are great things ahead, and on difficult days, I tend to get lost aching for those things that I have yet to achieve.

It's almost like a coping mechanism for me.
I think thoughts such as,

"This week has been really hard so far, if I can just make it to the weekend..."
"One more year of school for DJ and then we won't struggle so much anymore..."

I get caught up in this way of thinking, and before I know it I have reached my destination, but have completely missed the journey there.

And I am learning that the journey is important.

Sweet, sweet DJ and I had a heart-to-heart about this weakness of mine the other evening. He kindly (but bluntly) pointed out that my life was passing me by and I was missing out on valuable opportunities to learn and grow. At first I was stubborn and argued that aiming for the future is a good thing. My loving husband pointed out that while it is a good thing, it can (and does) cause me to stress and be impatient and anxious. DJ taught me that every day is a gift, and should be treated as such. I realized that he is right, and I am grateful that he was prompted to intervene and to help me find peace and happiness.

I walked away feelings refreshed and renewed, with a strong resolve to work towards the future but enjoy each day for all that it is worth.

Since our little talk, and through speaking with the Lord and asking for assistance and patience, I have felt a wonderful sense of peace enter my life. While I still have my goals and aspirations, I feel like my life has slowed down and my eyes have been opened. I spend less time worrying about when x,y, or z will happen and by doing so, I have slowly been able to recognize those daily opportunities for growth and instruction.

I am more able to find happiness in the little things. 
I am more able to express love to my family.
I am more patient.
I am more in tune with the Holy Spirit.

I am still learning, and I think that it will be a process to find a balance between aspiring for goals and enjoying the present. I am grateful that DJ took notice of my stress and impatience and that he lovingly has directed me down the path to overcoming this weakness of mine and living a more fulfilling life.

The destination is wonderful, but the journey is important.

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