I've spent quite some time debating whether or not I am ready to write about this.
I do not know if anyone will read this,
or if they will even care.
But I remember the messages shared with me, ones that were thought to be obscure, ones that lifted me up in my time of need. And I am inspired and encouraged to write, hoping that our story will maybe possibly touch someone's life, as others' messages have touched ours.
August 28, 2012
We lost our baby.
It is difficult to describe how I felt when we realized what was happening.
It now seems like a blur, a dream, when I think about it.
All I am sure of is that I was in pain.
Unimaginable pain.
Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
Just pain.
All of the excitement that I had felt upon realizing we were going to have a baby was halted and replaced with this pain. "Delivering" the baby was physically draining, but the emotional and spiritual pain that accompanied our loss was incredible.
I remember being angry, confused and hurt. I was so angry that it made me physically ill. All I have ever wanted was to be a mother and in a day or two that opportunity was torn from my grasp. I hated everything. I did not want to talk to anyone, I did not want to see anyone. I refused to accept comfort and support. I hated going out, I hated staying in. I hated waking up in the morning, I hated going to sleep.
I was devastated.
Why did this have to happen to me?
Why would God allow me to suffer like this?
Why did I have to give my baby back?
So many tears were shed. Sobbing, crying, screaming, moaning.
Complete and utter heartbreak.
While he was heartbroken as well, my poor husband did not understand what I was going through and had a hard time empathizing with my pain. Neither of us realized the effect that losing our baby would have on our relationship, and we struggled for a while.
Eventually we realized that we weren't enough. We could not carry ourselves through this trial.
Our faith had been shaken, but we needed it now more than ever before.
We fell to our knees and asked for understanding, for comfort, for hope.
And it came.
It still hurt to hear friends announce that they were pregnant.
I still got choked up at the sight of beautiful pregnant women or sweet tiny babies.
But the pain was bearable, and we knew that the Lord was looking out for us and giving us strength.
A few months went by, and we felt like the worst had passed. We were moving forward, with the Lord at our side, looking forward to what the future had in store for us.
And then a miracle happened.
Our rainbow baby was on its way!
We were pregnant!
The joy DJ and I felt was amazing. We shared that joy with our family and close friends, and we were all looking forward to meeting our little miracle.
I struggled with morning sickness and fatigue for weeks and weeks, but I could not have been happier.
My dreams were coming true, and all of the discomfort was going to be worth it.
At 10 weeks we went to see the doctor for the first time. Now, with the previous pregnancy, we never got around to seeing a doctor as the baby passed away before we had the opportunity to do so. We did not know what to expect, but we were ecstatic to be going to meet our baby.
The ultrasound.
"Is that our baby?!"
"Yes it is."
The most amazing thing I had ever experienced, seeing that teeny tiny body inside of mine.
DJ and I loved each other then more than ever before.
We were so thrilled and overwhelmed that we did not realize that we couldn't hear a heartbeat.
We were ushered into the doctor's office, where we waited, expecting to hear all about the do's and don't's of pregnancy. We could not believe that we were going to be parents.
Then the doctor came in.
The baby has no heartbeat.
The baby has no heartbeat.
March 26, 2013, almost 7 months to the day, we lost our second baby.
The tears came, the sorrow, the heartbreak.
But no anger.
A night and day difference from our previous loss.
This was a huge change for me. DJ was so loving and supportive, we grew closer together rather than further apart. Our loss was great, but we felt the Lord's arms around us, sheltering us from the pain.
We were blessed with understanding and hope for the future.
This time around, we let people in. The support of friends and family was overwhelming. From flowers, to dinners, to phone calls and sweet messages, we were blown away by the magnitude of love that was sent our way. Many of the people who reached out to us didn't even realize the impact that their actions had. We realized that God was working behind the scenes for our good, especially at this time.
While our two little baby angels were in heaven with Him,
His angels were working here on this earth to bring us strength and comfort.
I think about my babies every single day.
I yearn for them.
I cry for them.
I miss them.
But I know that I am stronger because of them. There was a time when I could not possibly imagine what good could come out of such an experience as this, but the Lord has opened my eyes, and I now recognize all that my sweet husband and I have learned.
And I am grateful.